
Die Finanzierung der Herberge setzt sich aus den Einnahmen der Aufenthaltskosten, Beiträgen verschiedener Trägerschaften sowie Spenden und Legaten zusammen.

Wir danken Ihnen für Ihre Spende!

Unsere Bankverbindung:
Herberge für Frauen, Zug
Zuger Kantonalbank
IBAN Nr. CH50 0078 7007 7157 5730 4

Are you in an emergency situation and in need of a temporary home?

  • You can arrive at any time.
  • For safety reasons, the location of the women’s hostel is kept secret, but there is a PO box address.
  • If possible, take your most important documents (ID cards, bank cards), any necessary medication, your children’s favorite toys and school supplies, and a house key with you.
  • The employees at the women’s hostel are bound to secrecy.

We cannot accept women who are underage, or addicted to alcohol or drugs. The same applies to women who need external care due to illness or disability.​